Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The finer points of Internet Dating

Ok, so sometimes it does take a scam to make one cheer up.... particularly if you have fun with it. Was on http://www.singlesnet.com and got a note from a girl...I will call her K. Well, first thing she said was that she was a teacher in Ohio. Ok, that sounded reasonable, except spelling and grammer were off, which made a little sense because it was the internet after all and people don't take the time to look over their writing. Well I gave her my fake email so we could talk. This went well for a couple of days. Today, however, K started saying how much she hoped to meet a guy like me in real life, but that she was down. This is wear things started falling apart. She said now she has been in Nigeria for two weeks and can't get out because the guy who proposed for her, left her, and she doesn't have money to pay the bill so they are keeping her there to work it off. Weird? It gets worse. K's parents just happened to die in the past two years, and she left her family because they didn't like her father. So she has no one and is very alone. All she needs is X amount of money to go back. So as soon as I figured out this was scam, I decided to have some fun. So if K asks, I now live at a mental instution and couldn't help out if I wanted to. Mean? Yes. Fun? Definatly! Well, that made my day. Have yet to hear back from her.

Ok, that happened tonight, the topic I really wanted to put my two cents in, is family. I am always surprised that they want to include me in things. The thing that got me thinking more about my family, is that after my sister read my entry and emailed me with some advice, and feedback. This made me realize that the only thing you really have in this world is family, and if you are lucky some good friends. They are always there for you, no matter what life is handing you, or how messed up you seem to be. I just don't understand why it is so hard for me to accept this fact. Well, I guess it also has to do with losing my grandmother. Got me thinking that you only have so much time with them until they are gone.