Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lavatory Love Machine

Ok, probably could have made a better title, but I happen to be listening to the song, which I love, and frankly that is all I could think of for a title. It will do for now. Mostly love the song because in Second Life, my friend Queenie screams it for the whole sim whenever it is played on Rockngames Radio ( It just cracks me up. Edguy, who by the way are the ones who did it, would be an awesome group to see. I figure them coming to Utah, is about as likely as Alice Cooper coming though. If Alice or Edguy ever comes, I am so there! Speaking of upcoming shows, Queensryche and Black Label Society are both coming. Would love to see them, but I am not about to pay 35.00 a seat...and still not have anyone to go with me.

So it wasn't the best segway, but I am trying. My good friend would probably go with me, I just can't quit talking about being hopeful and serious I want to be with her. She is wonderful, and so far someone I want to be with. But we are having problems right now with Meth, so I don't know how serious it can be, and I am pushing her away with trying to be serious and wanting to be hers. So, tone down, Duel. Not easy, and I want a romantic relationship...but I think I am going to have to just be friends for now. That is hard for me and something I am going to have to learn how to do, and quickly if I don't want to lose her completely.

Right, so speaking of friends....Had a few come out of the wood work lately! So yeah, friends are always good and maybe I can start actually doing something with them instead of sitting in front of all day waiting for paperwork to either arrive, or get to the correct deptartments so I can get on with my life *glares at social security* Anyway, back to friends. I have a hard time keeping in contact because I never know what to say, how much to tell about my life and what is really going on without scaring them off, so getting to talk to friends again is always good.