Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Black Parade

Ok, just listening to MCR's (My Chemical Romance) latest album The Black Parade. Wow! It is an awesome album, each release by them just gets better and better. While over all the album deals with death, sometimes serious and sometimes lighthearted (at least is my eyes. And yes I am weird...), the music is still strong, and powerful, and dare I say is sometimes moving. I am going to go through the whole album songs, and give you my thoughts on it.


Great starting song, gets your revved up, and although funny (got chuckle at giving a resignation in drag) it seems to have a side show feeling to it. Not necessarily bad, but it certainly gave me the impression that the whole album was taking place at a side show, when clearly some of the songs don't fit in that description, very few in fact. Still, good music.


An interesting song, but good. The End leads right in to this song. If I hadn't read the lyrics, I wouldn't have known. Basically, a love story. Won't spoil it for you, but in a sentance, it is of a boy waiting for his love in heaven. Never thought I would see MCR right a positive song, but they did. And what is even better, they pulled it off while still talking about death. Extra points for that!


Over all, the music of this song is kind of cool, and once again the lyrics are haunting. MCR seems to have a thing for murder and murderers (Their DVD following Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge was called Life on the Murder Scene). This is basically a murderer who has died, talking and asking forgiveness for murdering his victims.


Nothing like ODs. This song was the inspiration for my horror/macabre art entitled Cannibal Glow. Yeah, I am still working on it. Kind of need skills to go along with doing art...but the sketch is done! Over all, I am not sure what to think about this song. Mostly because the words don't make sense to me. At least not altogether. The most I can figure is ODing on either alcohol, or some kind of hallucinogenic. And taking his/her last breath, is asking for one final kiss. Something like that. I think.


This is the first single from the album, and I love this song! Sure death comes, but that doesn't mean there won't be a party in your honor, awaiting you into heaven. I love this first verse of this song the most:

When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a marching band.
He said when you grow up, would you be, The Savior of the broken, the beaten, and the Damned?
He said will you defeat them? Your demons, and all the nonbelievers. The plans that they have made?
Because one day, I'll leave you, a phantom. To leave you in the summer, to join the Black Parade.


This is a depressing song. And defiantly not the first on the album either. Nothing like no longer loving someone that you don't care if they die or not. I couldn't imagine anyone I have known that wouldn't affect me if they die. The thing that depresses me most about this album, is that one day I will have friends and family die, and I will be devastated. And I know I am loved enough that I will have people care about my death. This is the song that got me thinking about it.


This song, I am not sure what to make of (yes, another one of those...I actually had to sit and listen to lyrics to actually review it, rather then just going through with the mood.) All I can make of it, is that preacher is having a hay day talking about sins, and the person who died is having regrets.


Ok, if you know someone who had cancer, then this song will affect you (affect? effect? one of those) and touch your heart. I know it did me. I have a friend (best friend? probably) who lives in Alabama, and I saw her have days feeling like this, like it was all over, and trying to distance herself from those she loved, to try and spare them heartache. Luckily, it is in remission, and she is her joyful self again. But it is still a touching song. Probably the only song of MCR that made me emo. Fittingly, a slow song.


All I can picture is an itallian Mob family, in their last gunfight that they know they won't make it out of, writing a letter to their mother, letting her know how awful they were for getting in a life of crime.


This is another one of those weird songs...MCR does weird quite well. Nothing like describing pain of dying. Didn't care for this one, but it has a great melody, it is just the voice overs that creep me out... reminds me of a visual in the SAW series. *shivers* hate those movies.


Ok, this song I hated at first, until I went back to my high school (go worst high...). I remember being an outcast, and loving the fact that once in a while we were able to scare "responsible" adults. Why did we do it? Because we got a kick out of scaring people. Could be why I worked at a haunted house, huh?


For once, a song not really about death. More about realizing that for once, the world isn't fair, it isn't all beauty, it isn't all happy endings. Good song.


This is the last track (if you don't wait for the hidden track) and is a great ending. The overall song is about not being afraid to be alone, but you may get what you ask for.

Overall, a good Album. One last thought... GERARD LOOKS BETTER WITH BLACK HAIR...had to get that out of my system.

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Monday, December 18, 2006


Ok, before I get to the meat and bones of this blog, I want to tell you three things.

1) This is Freeform for me. Stream of thought I guess would be more appropriate name for it. It will not make sense to anyone but me....and maybe those who can decipher my crude translation.

2) I really don't want people to read this, so please. Forget about it. It is not like you will understand it. I am not sure how to make single blog entry, read only to the owner, and right now I really don't have time.

3) For this reason, I did a very loose, and crude translation into a different language that most people who know me do not know. Please do not try to translate it back. This is really for my benifit. Yes, I am keeping the orignal around just so months from now, I know what it is I was saying. Some of you may get to know what it means, most of you will not. Please accept this and leave it as is...

Jeg elsker De. Ord ikke uttrykker hva jeg føler seg for De, men De aldri igjen vet gleden i å være holdt ved meg, eller lidensket av vår kropper trykkedd sammen i den naken i den natt. å Holde hverandre, elske hverandre, smake hverandre. De aldri vet dette. Noensinne. De vet hva jeg ønsker jeg gjort ? Forsvunnet inn i en skog. ..cut min håndledd åpner, og blør for De. å Skriking i smerte da blodet tømmer, all mens De er på telefonen, lytter til det. Med hva styrke jeg fører opp, jeg vil lykt skogen omkring meg, og da straks brenner min selv, ha De lytter da jeg skriker, brenne inn i en sprø, brenne min vev, og min innsider, og til slutt min hjerte, slik at jeg sjekker De aldri vet meg igjen. Hvorfor gjør jeg forblir venner med De ? Fordi De er min gift. Jeg ikke får nok av De, men jeg vet De er den verst ting at noensinne skjer til meg. Takk for å drepe fra hverandre av meg nå og for evig.